Staff by Name
Name | Title | Phone | Email ( |
Peter Bae (he/his) |
Director of the College Library | 207-725-3529 | p.bae |
Emma Barton-Norris | Processing Archivist | 207-208-2650 | e.bartonnorris |
Bart D'Alauro (he/his) |
Library Annex and Media Services Specialist | 207-725-3089 | bdalauro |
Meagan Doyle (she/her) |
Digital Archivist | 207-725-3201 | mdoyle |
Shawn Gerwig | Conservation Technician | 207-725-3994 | sgerwig |
Carmen Greenlee | Humanities and Media Librarian | 207-725-3286 | cgreenle |
Amy Heggie | Circulation and User Services Manager | 207-725-3173 | aheggie |
Helen Hill | Administrative Coordinator | 207-725-3155 | hhill |
Beth Hoppe (she/her) |
Research, Instruction, and Student Engagement Librarian | 207-725-3260 | ehoppe |
Jaime Jones | Resource Sharing Specialist | 207-798-4109 | jjones |
Karen Jung | Associate Librarian for Access and User Services & Music Librarian | 207-725-3311 | kjung |
Mary Macul | Head of Cataloging | 207-725-3868 | mmacul |
Mike McDermott (he/his) |
Digital Technology Integration Librarian | 207-725-3856 | mmcderm2 |
Michelle McDonough (she/her) |
Library Operations and Budget Administrator | 207-798-7077 | memcdono |
Linnea Minich (she/her) |
Research and Instruction Librarian | 207-721-5023 | l.minich |
Tim Morton | Associate Librarian for Collections | 207-725-3285 | t.morton |
Sue O'Dell (she/her) |
Science Librarian | 207-725-3265 | sodell |
Sabrina Paetow | Print Periodicals Specialist | 207-721-5167 | s.paetow |
Katie Perry (they/them) |
Strout Family Photographic Archivist | 207-721-5004 | k.perry |
Guy Saldanha | InterLibrary Loan Supervisor | 207-725-3393 | gsaldanh |
Anne Sauer | Archivist | 207-725-3374 | a.sauer |
Kat Stefko | Associate Librarian for Digital Initiatives and Special Collections & Director of the George J. Mitchell Department of Special Collections & Archives | 207-725-3096 | kstefko |
Christie Stuntz (she/her) |
Circulation Services Specialist | 207-725-3384 | cstuntz |
Jamey Tanzer (he/his) |
Special Collections Research Services Librarian | 207-208-2915 | jtanzer |
Summer Unsinn | Systems Librarian | 207-725-3027 | s.unsinn |
Erin Valentino (she/her) |
Associate Librarian for Research, Instruction, and Outreach | 207-725-3749 | evalenti |
Marieke Van Der Steenhoven | Special Collections Education and Engagement Librarian | 207-725-3385 | mvanders |
Donna Van Dyck | Acquisitions Specialist | 207-725-3946 | dvandyck |
Ryan Wheeler | Cataloging and Metadata Librarian | 207-725-3284 | r.wheeler |
Aubin White | Special Collections & Archives Collections Specialist | 207-725-3927 | awhite2 |
Kate Wing | Electronic Resource and Scholarly Communications Librarian | 207-798-7142 | kwing2 |
Jenny Zawisza (she/her) |
Science Library Assistant | 207-725-3035 | j.zawisza |
Anna Zeilor (she/her) |
Circulation Assistant | 207-721-5312 | a.zeilor |