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Popups - They're Not Just For Kids!

The Harold M. Goralnick Pop-up Book Collection - An Exhibition



The exhibition (Hawthorne-Longfellow Library, Bowdoin College—January 27-June 4, 2011) was curated and designed by Richard Lindemann, Director of Special Collections & Archives, in collaboration with Harold M. Goralnick and with assistance from Daniel Hope, Carr Ross, and Caroline Moseley.

The Collection was created by Harold M. Goralnick (Bowdoin Class of 1971) and donated to the College in 2008.


In print

Artist to Artist:  23 Major Illustrators Talk to Children about Their Art.  NY:  Philomel Books, 2007.

A Celebrat10n [i.e. Celebration] of Pop-up and Movable Books.  New Brunswick, NJ:  Movable Book Society, 2004.

[Corominas, Quim].  Pop-up:  Libres Movibles i Tridemensionals.  Girona:  Fundació caixa de Girona, 1999.

[Corominas, Quim].  Pop-up à Sète!  Les jouets en papier.  Sète:  MIAM, 2003.

[Corominas, Quim].  Tresors de Paper:  Llibres, Jocs i Joquines de Paper:  Col-lecció Quim Corominas.  Girona, Fundació Caixa Girona, 2008.

Dawson, Michael.  The Collectible Children’s Curiosities of Vojtěch Kubašta.  Eugene, Or.:  Aster, 1997.

Dawson, Michael.  A Collector’s Guide to the History of Pop-ups, Movables and Children’s Novelty Books.  Ludlow:  Ampersand Books, 1997.

Dawson, Michael.  A Designer’s Times:  An Interview with Keith Moseley.  Ludlow:  Ampersand Books, 1998.

Dawson, Michael.  The Multi-dimensional Dutchman:  An Interview with Ron van der Meer.  NY:  Human Science Press, 1997.

Dawson, Michael.  S. Louis Giraud and the Development of Pop-up Books and S. Louis Geraud, the Wizard of Bookano.  Ludlow:  Ampersand Books, n.d. [199-?].

Dawson, Michael.  An Unfinished Interview with Waldo Henley Hunt—a Multi-dimensional Man.  Ludlow:  Ampersand Books, 2008.

Findlay, James A. and Ellen Rubin.  Pop-ups, Illustrated Books, and Graphic Designs of Czech Artist and Paper Engineer, Vojtěch Kubašta.  Ft. Lauderdale, Fl.:  Bienes Center for the Literary Arts, 2005.

Haining, Peter.  Movable Books:  An Illustrated History.  London:  New English Library, 1979.

Hunt, Julia.  Peeps into Nisterland:  A Guide to the Children’s Books of Ernest Nister.  Chester:  Casmelda, 2006.

Jacobs, Larry.  Big Little Books:  A Collector’s Reference & Value Guide.  Paducah, Ky.:  Collector Books, 1996.

Livres animés:  deux siècles de livres à systems.  Paris:  Libraire Jacques Desse; Marché Dauphine, 2002.

Montanaro, Ann R.  Pop-up and Movable Books:  A Bibliography.  Metuchen, NJ:  Scarecrow Press, 1993; … Supplement 1.  Lanham, MD:  Scarecrow Press, 2000.

Movable Books Society.  Movable Stationery.  New Brunswick, NJ:  The Society, 1993-   .

Osborne Collection of Early Children’s Books.  This Magical Book:  Movable Books for Children, 1771-2001.  Toronto:  Toronto Public Library, 2002.

Pop-up Now!  A Juried Exhibition of Movable Books.  Portland, Or.:  23 Sandy Gallery, 2010.

Spielbilderbücher, aus der Spielzeugsammlung des SMCA, die Sammlung Hildegard Krahe, Katalog….  Salzburg:  Salzburger Museum Carolino Augusteum, 2002.

Taylor, Rhonda Harris and Nancy Larson Bluemel.  “Pop-up Books:  An Introductory Guide.”  Collection Building.  Vol. 22, No. 1 (2003).  Pp. 21-32.

Thomas, Pamela [Brooklyn Public Library].  Brooklyn Pops Up.  NY:  Little Simon, 2000.

Yokoyama, Tadashi.  The Best of 3D Books.  Tokyo:  Rikuyo-sha, 1989.


A Short History of Paper Engineering and Pop-up Books.”

Smithsonian Institution Libraries.  “Paper Engineering:  Fold, Pull, Pop and Turn.”

Weaver Collection of Juvenile Materials [Univ. of N. Texas].  “Pop-up and Movable Books:  A Tour through Their History.”


Checklist (pdf) of displayed items.

See exhibition publicity, including a video.

Library catalog listing of the Goralnick Collection.

Other Bowdoin College Library Exhibitions