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Popups - They're Not Just For Kids!

The Harold M. Goralnick Pop-up Book Collection - An Exhibition


Fishing for the Moon and Other Zen Stories.  New York:  St. Martin’s Press, 2004.
Translated and retold, and illustrated, by Lulu Hansen.
Each Zen Buddhist parable is animated with a 3-dimensional illustration.
Brian Wildsmith’s The Creation.  Brookfield, Conn.:  Millbrook Press, 1996 (Intervisual Books).
Paper engineering by Bruce Reifel and José R. Seminario.
Sanctae Hildegardis Circulus Sapientiae [Saint Hildegard von Bingen’s Circle of Wisdom].  Newark, Vt.:  Janus Press, 2001.
Designed by Claire Van Vliet; hand made papers by Claire Van Vliet and Katie MacGregor.
This artists’ book is illustrated with pulp paintings (in which the color design is produced during the paper making process) and pop-ups.  A sound recording accompanies the book.
St. Hildegard, a twelfth-century Benedictine nun, mystic, writer, and composer, wrote numerous works of sacred music and morality plays—Circulus Sapientiae comprises selections of liturgical songs from her cycle Symphonia Armonie Celestium Revelationum (Symphony of the Harmony of Celestial Revelations).
[Book Arts Collection].
The Haggada of Passover.  Jerusalem:  Israel Museum ; Chicago:  Kidsbooks, 1997 (Compass Productions).
Paper engineering by Keith Moseley.
The Bird’s-head Haggada, a thirteenth-century illuminated manuscript characterized by its depiction of human forms with bird-heads, served as the inspiration for this version.
The Haggadah, a collection of prayers, blessings, and scripture, provides the text for retelling the story of the Jewish exodus from Egypt.
Linda K. Johnson.  Blessing Bowl.  Fort Lauderdale, Fla. :  L. Johnson, 2007.
Edition limited to 25 copies.
A flag book structure defines this artists’ book, which is inspired by Buddhist monks who live their lives dependent on the alms or blessings that are placed in their bowl.
[Book Arts Collection].