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Brunswick Region Resources


John North's Map of the Kennebeck Purchase (detail), 1785

John North's Map of the Kennebeck Purchase (detail), 1785

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Letters, Documents, Deeds, and Other Manuscript Material

  • Charles Vaughan Family Papers, 1683-1908 (bulk 1773-1861):
    • Pejepscot, deeds, 1683-1684 (later copies), of large tracts of land in Pejepscott in the Province of Maine, including that of six Indian sagamores of seven hundred acres to Richard Wharton, July 7, 1684 (M180, box E, folder 11)
    • Pejepscot, deed of Ephraim Savage, Richard Wharton’s estate administrator, to Captain Thomas Hutchinson [et al.] for the tract of land commonly called Pejepscott, previously given by patent of the Council of Plymouth to George Way and Thomas Purchase, Nov. 5, 1714 (M180, box E, folder 10)
    • State of the title to lot no. 1 butting on Merrymeeting Bay & Kennebeck River as derived from the Pejepscot Proprietors (M180, box E, folder E-17)
  • Medical School of Maine Records, 1820-1921
    • Record of clinics, 1861-1868, includes patients’ names and towns of residence, 1864-1865 (Archives 8.2.5, vol. 3)
    • Biographical files, 1821-1923, may include correspondence, clippings, and other information about Medical School graduates’ and non-graduates’ lives and careers (Archives 8.2.1) [link to Bath, Bowdoin …, Brunswick, Harpswell, and Topsham Letters … sections below]
  • Kate Furbish Collection, 1870-1908:
    • Maine Flora includes notation of her specimens’ collection sites, many of which were in Brunswick and neighboring towns (M70.1)
    • Correspondence and journals (M70.2)
  • George J. Mitchell Papers, 1948- :
    • U.S. Senate:
      • Constituent Service Records (M202.6.3)
      • Legislative Records
        • Housing (M202.6.2.7)
        • Maine Defense Bases and Industries (M202.
        • Transportation and Commerce (M202.6.2.11)
      • Majority Leadership Records – Domestic Affairs (M202.6.4.1)
      • Press and Media Activities Records (M202.6.7)
  • Merrymeeting Audubon Society Records, 1969-1972, 1 vol. (M194 .M477 folio)


  • Casco Bay: The Harbour of Casco Bay and Islands Adjacent. By Capt. Cyprian Southicke, 1720, copy (mapcase B, drawer 19)
  • Kennebec River and Region Adjacent: A True Coppy from an Ancient Plan of E. Hutchinson’s … & from Jose[ph] Heath In 1719. & Phin[ea]s Jones’s Survey in 1731. & from John North’s Late Survey in 1752, facsimile of original at Massachusetts Historical Society (mapcase D, drawer 11)
  • Kennebec River and Region Adjacent: … Plan of Kennebeck & Sagadahoc Rivers … taken from actual Survey made by Joseph Heath … Phineas Jones, John North … Ephraim Jones, Nov. 20, 1754, engraved by Thomas Johnston With inset of Map … of the principal rivers to ye. North & West of the Massachusetts … chiefly taken from Monsr. Bellin’s Map of North America Published at Paris, 1745 Facsimile of original at Massachusetts Historical Society (mapcase D, drawer 11)
  • The Atlantic Neptune, vol. 2, 1777, by Joseph F.W. Des Barres, showing the coastal waters of the "Gulph and River of St. Lawrence", "New England", and "From New York Southerly."(mapcase D, drawers 7-8).  Click here for a list of Atlantic Neptune maps held by Special Collections.
  • Kenebec and Androscoggin Rivers and Merrymeeting-Bay Area: Kennebeck Proprietors’ Purchase plan copied by William Alline, Nov. 1785, from John North’s plan, Feb. 3, 1750/1, ms. copy (mapcase D, drawer 11)


  • Bath, Brunswick, Harpswell, and Topsham streetscapes, buildings, bridges, and other views, including Shiloh in Durham, mostly 19th century, but also 1920s and 1930s, ca. 400 prints (M249)

Printed Material

  • Works concerning Brunswick and other area communities are scattered under the Special Collections local number for Maine history, FM2, and within the Maine Imprints Collection.
  • Bath, Bowdoinham, Brunswick, Freeport, Harpswell, Topsham, and Yarmouth Uncataloged Historical Ephemera: material about the churches, commerce, schools, social life and customs, societies, etc., arranged alphabetically by topic. Brunswick material measures 1.5 linear feet; Bath 0.25; and Bowdoinham, Freeport, Harpswell, Topsham, and Yarmouth, 0.25
  • Bowdoin student and alumni publications containing advertisements primarily for Brunswick businesses, but also for other area businesses:
    • Bowdoin Orient, 1871 – (Archives 4.5)
    • Bugle, beginning with the 1874 issue, (Archives 4.12)
    • Bowdoin Bearskin, 1922-1927 (Archives 4.41.6)
    • Bowdoin Alumnus, continued by Bowdoin Alumni Magazine and Bowdoin, 1927 - (Archives 1.5.6)
    • Growler, 1930-1948 (Archives 4.41.20) [link to Bath, Bowdoin …, Brunswick, Freeport …, Harpswell, and Topsham printed material sections]
  • Maine Medical Association Transactions, 1853-1909, 16 vols., containing some of members’ scientific papers; biographical information and obituaries
  • Maine newspapers, especially the Eastern Argus, provide information about the area communities
  • Non-Special Collections Material:
    • Directories for the Bath-Brunswick area beginning in 1867-68 (scattered holdings) are either in the Main stacks or the Main reference collection stacks, but all are non-circulating. (F29.B4 A18 and F29.B9 A18) [link to Bath, Bowdoin …, Brunswick, Harpswell, and Topsham printed material sections]
    • Annual town reports are in the Government Documents collection, and call numbers begin with Maine, i.e., for Bath: Maine ZB 331; Brunswick, Maine ZB 911. [link Annual town reports to all printed material sections]